Make a donation.

When we give, we are planting seeds that will be multiplied back to us. Remember, we should see giving as a reason for our relationship, just as we see receiving as a reason for our relationship as well. Luke 6:38 says that giving is the beginning of receiving. If you give in truth, you are planting seeds that will be multiplied back to you. So, as you give to the Lord, we pray that God will open the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessings that you will not be able to contain it (Malachi 3:6-10).

To donate click the donate icon below or text +1 514 241 5661 (WhatsApp only) for more options on how to donate.

Become a partner.

Why become a partner?

WSL Ministry is committed to advancing the kingdom of God here on earth all over the world while at the same time reaching out to a troubled world. Partnering is also a way of serving God, to help build His kingdom. Become a partner today to help continue building the kingdom of God with WSL ministry.

As a WSL Ministry Partner, you will receive:

  • A personal partner number

  • News and updates from the WSL Ministry Team

  • Notice of upcoming crusades and events

  • A dedicated prayer and counseling telephone line

    and also participate in or coordinate Christ’s Own Charity events happening in your region.

Where does my gift go?

We always want the best from God, therefore when you give, you should plant the best seed you have. When you give, you are planting seeds that will be multiplied back unto you. Partnership is the decision to give God your best. Your monthly gift will go a long way to support WSL Ministry as a whole, including humanitarian aspects of the ministry.

Not yet a partner?