Extraordinary success!

Shalom! My name is Grace, and I'm from Cameroon.

I want to testify to how God located me through a Zoom meeting with His Apostle, the man of God Éloge Lumisa. On Saturday, January 27th, 2024, during the Zoom prayer meeting, the servant of God gave a word of prophecy to me concerning my education (exams). He said I shouldn’t worry, that I would have very good results. After hearing from him, all anxiousness and anxiety flew away.

A month later, the results were out, and I was among the very best in my course in the country.

As if that extraordinary success was not enough, God has drawn me closer to Him through the daily program "START YOUR DAY WITH GOD" on YouTube with the man of God. It was challenging for me to pray daily, let alone read my Bible. Since I started following the program, things have changed within me: I can read my Bible with a free spirit, I'm able to pray without doubting if God has heard me, I can clearly identify my weaknesses and pray against them, and much more. Though I have a long way to go, I’m glad I’ve started the journey.

I thank God for His mercy and grace upon me and my family. I thank the man of God for allowing himself to be used mightily by God to rescue us. I thank WSL Ministry’s team, and I am forever grateful.


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