Register for the Sunday service ZOOM line to receive one on one prayers from God’s servant Apostle Éloge. Come experience the mighty power of God through His Word and by His Spirit bringing healing, deliverance, restoration, reconciliation and all of God's blessings.
Time: 10:00 AM UTC-5 Montreal, Canada Time (Please check your local time)
Attendance is free. Freely we were given by God, freely we give.
Salvation is not for sale. Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He never said goodbye.
Your healing and deliverance is not entirely up to the man of God. The man of God is only a tool in God’s hand. You too have a role to play. Your role is not to resist the Holy Spirit during the prayer. You have to focus on Christ Jesus and surrender to Him for you to receive from Him.
Before coming to the prayer session, you need to have began your prayers days before that, asking God to use the man of God Apostle Éloge to reach out to you, to heal you, to deliver you and to bless you.
Jesus Christ will meet you according to your faith in Him. Don’t leave your faith behind as you join the prayer session. Faith in Christ Jesus is a necessary condition to true spiritual healing, deliverance, blessing and restoration
Only believe!
Please do not share the link you’ll receive as those who are not registered will not be allowed into the zoom meeting.
Your zoom ID must match your name. If not, you would be refused entry
Please type your name and country (Ex. Apostle Éloge, CANADA)
Register now
Please note that the zoom meeting is broadcasted live on YouTube and other social media pages. If you wish to not be broadcasted, please connect with us by watching through YouTube. By clicking submit, you consent to be broadcasted.