Sunday June 16th 2024

Sunday June 16th 2024 will go down as a memorable day in the history of The Word is Spirit and Life Ministry. This was the first of many Sunday services to come for the church. The service was kicked off with opening prayers by the Evangelists rendering gratitude to the Lord God Almighty for the grace to be gathered on this blessed day and asking the Holy Spirit to take total control of the day and to strengthen the Man of God to do the work he was called to do.

The man of God Apostle Éloge was greeted by applause by the congregation. He welcomed them and the viewers to the Arena of Transformation and went ahead to shake the hands of those in attendance. Just as everything big starts little, it is important to note that the church attendance was 13 people in the visible realm but numerous in the spirit realm. Taking his reading from Romans 10:9-10, the man of God admonishes the congregation that attending church is not a casual outing or a friends-making event but for the salvation of our souls and to be equipped with tools for the upliftment and maintenance of our faith.

He furthers proceeds to state that Christians cannot lose their salvation but they can willingly throw away their salvation if they refused to live for Christ Jesus. He states that salvation implies a genuine willingness to serve God in spirit and in truth, that we should not share the first place in your heart between God and people or things. You have to willingly make God first in your heart. God is not looking for a forced worship but for people who are willing to have a relationship with God. The man of God Apostle Éloge then asks the congregation if they want to be friends of God to which the congregation joyously responds “YES!”

He continues by saying “ If you want to be a friend of God, you will need to start doing His will”. Quoting from Matthew 16:24, the man of God tells the congregation they will have to deny themselves and carry their crosses daily. He defined “denying ourselves” as “refusing to give in to every desires, every wants of ourselves that goes against God’s Word. Refusing to yield to the desires and temptations of self; submitting to God daily.”

He further explains that when you refuse to give in to your desires then be ready to carry your cross because there will be challenges. Challenges from your body, family, friends and persecution from people. Serving Christ is not easy, he admonishes the congregation to be ready to go though persecution and challenges when serving Christ.

He concludes by telling the congregation that his aim as a man of God is to see the souls assigned to him being saved and not to pack a multitude of crowd. He encouraged the members to live for God and to serve Him in Spirit and in Truth and that it will be his joy to see them make heaven one day.

No escape for anything that is not of God

Leading the congregation into the mass prayer, the man of God commands anything that is not of God to come out in Jesus Christ’s name and that any door that has been closed by demons, be opened in Jesus’ name. He further commands whatever the enemy has planted in the lives of the congregation and their household to be uprooted in the name of Jesus Christ. He then charged the church to proclaim: “Every covenant with demons existing in my family, existing in my household, in my lineage – be broken in the name of Jesus”

Distance is not a barrier

The man of God did not leave out the viewers who were watching from all over the world online. He stretches out his hand towards the camera to pray for them.

Divine touch from God Almighty

The man of God Apostle Éloge armed with power and filled with the Holy Spirit moves through the congregation to place on them a divine touch from God setting them free from every satanic bondage.


Authority and Power