Authority and Power

The Sunday service was kicked off with prayers of thanksgiving to God Almighty which was followed by a powerful moment of worship inspired by the Holy Spirit. In the opening prayers, the church was led to pray that God should strenghten the Man of God for the mission ahead and to proclaim that today was their day of victory and that through Christ Jesus they were winners.

Divine touch at the Prayerline

Following the worship session, the Man of God met the church at the Prayerline for a divine touch. Unconventionally, the Holy Spirit led the Apostle Éloge to begin his ministration at the Prayerline by laying a divine touch from God unto the congregants. In his word, “As you can see, we are starting differently because this is the way God Almighty wants us to start… Man has the ability to lead a service but the Holy Spirit will lead the service the way He wants it to be led. The message that God Almighty has given us today cannot be received unless the person who is receiving [this] message receives a touch of deliverance, otherwise [the] message will be ineffective in their life”. He further stated that the message for today has to do with authority and power of a Christian. That it’s impossible to exercise your authority and power if you are being held in bondage by demons. He further stated that it’s our prosperity in the spirit life which is translated to prosperity in the physical life that if you are held in bondage in the invisible realm, you cannot achieve anything in the visible realm.

He continued by saying we are either possessed by the Spirit of God or by demons. When demons possess a person, they displace their spirit and soul and cage them. It is now the spirit of the evil entity dwelling and manipulating the conscience, emotions and actions of the outward man to advance their agenda of stealing, killing and destruction but when the Holy Spirit takes residence within us, His Spirit is married to our spirit and we become One Spirit. God’s will becomes our will, God’s thoughts becomes our thoughts and God’s way becomes our way.

The Man of God also emphasized that those who are not possessed also needs this touch as disobedience to God’s Word opens a door for demons to come and take refuge within our heart. The more we live in disobedience to God’s Word, the more the demonic entity grows in our heart.

Authority and Power of a Christian

Taking his reading from Luke 9: 1-2, The Man of God emphasized that Jesus Christ never gives us a powerless authority and that authority and power go together. He stated that authority will be meaningless if there is no power backing it up. Citing from Gen 1: 26, he tells the church that right from human’s inception we were created with authority. Every living human has this authority from birth. However, Power is a reward for our relationship with Christ Jesus. Without a relationship with God, there can be no power. He went on to say that the name Jesus Christ has power indeed but only among those who are committed to the glory of God. Only those who are committed to the glory of God and are in a relationship with God will be rewarded the power in the name of Jesus.

The Man of God further elaborates that in the spirit realm age is not a factor but the power backing you up. You can be a new born baby or 50 years old; what matters is the power backing you. Demons prey on humans ignorance to try to intimidate them with age. Age is not a factor in spiritual power. No matter how long the demon has been in existence, it doesn’t matter the age of the person standing before them, if the power of God is with you they must bow.

Prayer that echoes in heaven

Leading the congregation in prayer, the man of God charged the church to ask Jesus Christ to position them where He will be interested in everything they say and do. That whatever they say here on earth shall be said in heaven, whatever they loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; and whatever they bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.


Sunday June 16th 2024