Support the Church Project

Good news people of God! As directed by the Holy Spirit, the time has come for us to be gathered in person to worship the Lord. The Lord has directed us to get a physical place for worship together this year and we would need your help in making it possible. Whatever the Lord has put in your heart to support the Ministry with, will go a long way in bettering our church service and we pray the Lord will double the resource where it came from in Jesus' Christ name.

Below are some of the items that we need to get started. We’ve created an Amazon Gift List with some of the items we will be needing. Please click here to be redirected to Amazon, you can choose to freely provide one or more items as directed by the Holy Spirit. The Gift List is not restricted to the items on the list, equivalent items to the ones on the list would be gladly accepted too.

You could equally make a donation or email us at if you have instruments or electronics to donate.

Thank you and God bless you as you support the Church Project.